

Can you get a car with no income?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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If you have cash or money in the bank or even under your mattress , you can get a car.

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Q: Can you get a car with no income?
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Yes, there is a relationship between income and the value of the car someone owns. Typically, higher income individuals tend to own more expensive and higher value cars, while lower income individuals may own less expensive vehicles. This relationship is influenced by various factors such as affordability, lifestyle choices, and financial priorities.

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The Minimum income level to get a car loan in Detroit,Michigan for used or new car is $2000

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A car dealers net income is the amount of money he makes after all expenses, bills and taxes have been paid.

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If you are not making the required payments to the finance company that holds the lean on you car it may be repossessed. Proof of income is not required or relevant.

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Yes. However, the interest payout is not income, so you don't have to pay income tax on it.

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Legally he has to pay income tax on the net profit from the sale. It is income and therefore is taxable.

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I traded in my car for a new car through a car dealer told them i had no income coming in but the car dealer filled in the paper workcan i take the car back if it's only been not even 24 hours?

No. You own the car which is now a used car. Did the dealer put a gun to your head?If you had no income, why did you buy a new car? With no income you should not have even been looking at new cars. But you did, and bought one. Now you either pay for it, or have it repossessed and ruin your credit for 7 years.

What is the Annual income custom car shop?

5.3Million PHP

Can you get a car with an open car loan already.?

Depends upon your debit, to income ratio, but, yes. It is possible.