

Best Answer

You need to consult with a district court attorney in your jurisdiction who is familiar with misdemeanors. It may be worthwhile to clear your record.

Based on the wording of your question, in most jurisdiction, the state would have failed to meet the requirements to prosecute for minor in possession. Most jurisdictions require three elements to be proven.

  1. The minor was under age at the time.
  2. The minor had in their possession an intoxicating beverage
  3. The minor knew that such actions were illegal at the time the offence was committed.

Lastly, the Police must prove that they had reasonable suspicion to believe that you were underage. Merely saying, you looked younger than 21 is not grounds for probable cause.

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Q: Can you get a minor in possession ticket for just being at a party even if there were adults present and you had no alcohol in the room with you?
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What happen if get a possession ticket?

That depends, possession of what? firearms? marijuana? cocaine? Alcohol?

Can a minor get a ticket for minor in possession when no alcohol was present?

You could have drank it somewhere , like another state, gone into another state and been charged with and MIP in the second state for having the alcohol in your system.

Is a minor in possession of alcohol worse than a possession of a controlled substance ticket?

They are both misdemeanor offenses.

How much is a possession of alcohol ticket cost in Utah?

500 dollars. ha

Will receiving a possession of alcohol ticket effect insurance rates?

No, because you were not driving.

What is a mip ticket?

A MIP ticket stands for Minor in Possession and is typically issued to individuals under the legal drinking age who are found to possess or consume alcohol. It is a citation that carries penalties and consequences related to underage drinking.

How much will a minor in possession of alcohol ticket cost in New York?

In Syracuse: Possession of Alcohol by Person Under 21: • Up to $50 fine and/or completion of an alcohol awareness program and/or up to 30 hours of community service

How much is a minor in possession of alcohol ticket in South Carolina?

Just got one an hour ago for 1,092.50

How long does a minor in possession of alcohol ticket stay on your record in Iowa?

It always stays on your record, however the record is sealed to the public after you turn 18.

What happens if you pay a mip ticket in California?

A ticket of minor in possession of alcohol gets the personÕs drivers license suspended for one year. The charge will appear on their criminal record forever unless the charge is fought in court.

How are you punished for an mip ticket in gratiot county Michigan?

There are state laws regarding how someone can be punished after receiving a "minor in possession of alcohol" ticket in the state of Michigan. In Gratiot County, MIP tickets are handled by the 65B District Court.

Can you pay a ticket be fore going to court of possession enstnument of crime?

Do you have to go to court or can you pay off your ticket before you go to court on possession instrument of crime