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Yes, you can. If you go to the barbie ad and win it, you will get a prize dog. Only in pumpkin island. And by getting the followers pack which has flies, a bat, a butterfly, and a hummingbird

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Q: Can you get a pet on Poptropica?
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Where in the pet store is the bird toy in poptropica?

In the 3rd floor pet store, on the left side

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There is no Pet Town Island. (it was a bogus answer)

How do you find Eddie the snake on poptropica?

exit the pet shop then follow him

How can you get a house and pet on Poptropica?

You could get a house on Poptropica. But not a pet. To get a house you could get a house on 24 Carrot Island! It's on the carrot farm. If you complete 24 Carrot Island... you have a mystery roomate! You go thru the chimney to get in. Is that easy enough.

How can you get a pet puppy in poptropica?

Yo can not get it any more but you used to be able to by completing the barbie add

When can you get a pet on Poptropica?

You can't really except if you keep making the kitty on 24 carrot island follow you.

How do you decode the letter in the pet shop?

A person can decode the letter in the pet shop on Poptropica by clicking on the code translator in the bottom corner of the screen. Then, head to the sports shop to deliver the code.

Where do you get the dog in Poptropica?

You can get dogs as a gift on ads in the islands.

Games similar to barbiegirls where you have a home and other stuff?

moshi monsters webkinz-you need to buy a plush pet to play club penguin free realms poptropica

Where is early Poptropica?

Early poptropica is on the Poptropica map. You fly there in the Poptropica blimp.