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Vets will spay a dog while they are in heat but it is typically more expensive then when they are not in heat.

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Q: Can you get a pitbull fixed while they are in heat?
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If your cat is in heat and you get her fixed while she might be in heat is it possible for the cat to remain in heat after she is fixed?

It will be a lot more stressful for your cat if you get her fixed while she is in heat because she will be confused why she doesn't feel that way all of the sudden, so it'd be better if you got her fixed before she had her first heat or when she wasn't in heat. But no, it's not possible for her to be in heat once she is fixed, though again, she may be confused.

Is pitbull gay?

They are not gay! they just need to be fixed.

What the best age to mate your pitbull?

From the second heat.

My Cat is about to get fixed. While she is on heat she is cuddling up to my dog and they seem to get along quite well. I just don't know if they will still get along after she is fixed. Would They?

Yes. Getting fixed deals with sex, NOT compassion and love.

How can you tell when to breed a female pitbull terrier?

She will clearly show you when she is ready and in heat.

Can a pitbull in heat be a danger to children?

A family dog in heat doesn't represent danger to the members of the family as far as I know.

How long does a pitbull bleeds?

The average heat cycle is three weeks or 21-days. In some dogs, it lasts only two weeks while others go four weeks.

I have a pitbull stud and im looking for female pits to breed that are in heat or soon to be in heat.Where can you find female pit bulls looking for a stud?

Put an ad in the paper looking for female pitbull to mate pitbull stud with.

Is it too late to get your dog fixed after they start bleeding?

No. My dog was well into having heat (dog period) and then had puppies before we got her fixed and she's been fine and sterile ever since. Another Answer: You can have your dog spayed while in heat or even after heat if she has been bred. Some vets charge more if they are in heat or pregnant. But it's perfectly safe for your dog.

My female pit came in heat one of my boxers got to her Is it true that you have to wait 2 cycles to breed her with a male pit or can i proceed and have a official blood line?

The puppies that her had with the boxer, do not register as a pitbull. Next she is on heat, you can breed her with a pitbull dog.

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Can a dog still mount if he has been fixed?

Yes. I have a male dog who is fixed and everytime my female goes into heat, he mounts her and after a while, they become stuck together at which point, I intervene and keep them calm until they seperate.