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Q: Can you get a yeast infection if your partner does not wash before sex?
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How can men alone develop a yeast infection?

Yes, men can develop a yeast infection without having any contact with women. Sexual intercourse is not the only possible cause of yeast infection in men. Yeast infection in a man can be caused by various factors including but not limited to a weak immune system, antibiotic consumption, bad eating habits and diabetes.

If I have a vaginal yeast infection and touched myself and then touched food can I spread it?

Yeast infections can be spread, but I am not sure the food would spread it. It is possible that a cold sore might develop. Cold sores are herpes simplex virus related to yeast infections. ***** You should always wash your hands before handling food or eating!

Can you get a yeast infection while on the patch?

You can get a yeast infection at any time. Hormone contraceptives make it more likely. Wear cotton panties and don't wear tight pants or nylon pantyhose. Always wipe yourself from front to back after using the bathroom, wash with a very mild soap and don't douche. Try eating 'live' yogurt because that will put back the natural bacteria that helps stop the yeasts. If you know it is a yeast infection ask your pharmacy what they recommend, and make sure your partner uses cream as well or he will just give it back to you.

What could cause pain and pressure behind the naval along with an odd smelling discharge?

Sounds like a yeast infection. The smell and discharge really makes me think it is a yeast infection. Go to the drugstore and get a cream for a yeast infection. Make sure you wash your hands real well after applying the cream because it can spread by touching it. Apply the cream for 7 days. If you are wearing tight clothing this could be one of the causes.

How do u treat yeast infections?

It will burn like fire, but after you bathe take a wash cloth and wet it with vinegar and swab the affected area. Your infection will be MUCH improved immediately and gone soon thereafter. Vinegar is great for getting rid of yeast!

What does it mean when you wash up really Good but when you use the bathroom you smell a strong dead fish odor?

It means you have a vaginal infection, probably a yeast infection. It usually heals out by itself or you can get creme at the pharmacy over the counter.

You are pregnant and your yeast infection wont go away?

it may not be a yeast infection it could be signs of an sti but if you aren't sexually active it could be that your not cleaning down there properly if you are a girl do not wash inside the vagina because you are letting foreign things in like soap and water you must be careful. A normal yeast infection takes a coupe of days to clear but it has took up to 3 weeks for some of my patients so it could still be a yeast infection, you should get checked by a doctor though!

Can you get a yeast infection from falling into a frozen lake?

if you're smart, you won't get in a hot tub :P wow you dweeb

How can you prevent urinary tract infections and yeast infections?

Generally, if you practice good vagina health--clean underwear with a cotton, breathable crotch, showers rather than baths, no use of douches or perfumed hygiene sprays--yeast infections don't happen or are a rarity. If you have one, visit your doctor for a prescription to clear it for once and for all. If you are sexually active, make sure that your partner is not the one passing on the infection to you--ask him to wash up before getting down to business.

Can you wash your hair if you have a sinus infection?

Yes it is perfectly acceptable to wash your hair when you have a sinus infection.

Why is it that when your done with your period you always get a yeast infection and then it goes away this time your vaginal is swollen and it hurts?

If you are getting repeated yeast infections, you'll need to visit your doctor and examine your practices as to why they are happening. Anything you insert into your vagina needs to be sterile and clean. If you use tampons, wash your hands first and replace the tampons several times a day. If you are having sex with someone, make sure that they are not transferring an infection to you--make sure they wash up first.

Can yeast infections prevent regular periods?

No, you will continue to get your normal period at the regular time it happens. However, it will be slightly more painful around the yeast infection, but make sure you wash it and keep it clean at all times. If it gets any worse though, see a specialist.