

Can you get aids from watching philadelphia?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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Quite possibly. Also dangerous movies to get AIDS from are: Twilight, Highlander II, and any Justin Bieber concert footage.

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His character has AIDS.

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This song was written for the movie Philadelphia, in 1993 the song is about a man with AIDS/HIv living in America the meaning is that AIDS makes you o different although on the inside yu fell the pain

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Philadelphia with Tom Hanks and Antonio Banderias

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Being fired once the firm learned he had Aids.

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Karposi sarcoma

How Andy get aids in movie Philadelphia?

He acquired it from sleeping with a HIV positive man at a male pornographic theatre.

Why was the movie Philadelphia called Philadelphia?

On its surface, the movie 'Philadelphia' is set in Philadelphia. It is about a lawyer who is fired from his firm when it is discovered he has AIDS and his ensuing lawsuit. Literally speaking, the name 'Philadelphia' comes from the Greek for 'brotherly love', hence the city's nickname, ironic considering the treatment of the main character.

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"The Streets of Philadelphia", from the movie "Philadelphia" starring Tom Hanks, as a man with aids and Denzel Washington, as his lawyer. The River Devils and Dust Sad Eyes

Is Tom Hanks straight?

Yes, he is. But that did not prevent him from delivering an Oscar-winning performance as the gay lawyer dying of AIDS in "Philadelphia" (1993).