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Q: Can you get an athletic training job with a degree in physical thereapy?
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Related questions

What can you become with a degree in athletic training?

An athletic trainer, physical therapist, and sports medicine.

Can you get an athletic training certification with an exercise science degree?

Can you get an athletic training certification with an exercise science degree?Read more: Can_you_get_an_athletic_training_certification_with_an_exercise_science_degree

What non teaching jobs can you get with a masters degree in physical education?

There are a number of non-teaching jobs that you can get with a masters degree in physical education. Some jobs include fitness training jobs, athletic administration jobs and exercise physiology jobs.

What is the terminal degree for Athletic Training?

you must receive a degree in athletic training. you must go through an athletic training curriculum at a college or university to become elligible to sit for the board of certification (BOC) exam. this can be an undergraduate or entry level masters program. a list of schools can be found at

What can you do with an associate's degree in kinesiology?

I am finding you can do nothing until you further your education. I am trying athletic training and love it. Also, you might try Physical Therapy. Nobody really cares about an associate's degree in this field. Sorry.

where can I get diploma for medicine?

A sports medicine specialist has specialized training and education in the medical and therapeutic aspects of sports. Often they are physicians or surgeons, but a medical degree is not always required to work in sports medicine. A certified athletic trainer, or ATC, specializes in athletic health care. They are required to have at least a bachelors degree. This degree may be in athletic training, health, physical education, or exercise science. They also study many other areas, including human anatomy, nutrition, and psychology to name a few.

Can you get a degree for athletic training and physical therapy?

In short, yes you can. However, you should focus on one thing at a time. Physical Therapy in itself is a very intensive program of study. At one time it was a bachelors degree. Then the requirement changed to a masters degree, and now most schools are requiring a doctorate. This means approximately eight years of schooling beyond high school. Thus, you can see the time and effort this alone will take. Personally, I would focus on the physical therapy first. Then if you wish you can supplement that existing degree with an athletic focus, you can.

What training does a physical therapist need?

A college Degree

Can I get a art thereapy degree online?

Yes, in fact there is a way to get a art therapy degree online. You can visit for more information about obtaining that degree.

How many years does it take to become a athletic trainer?

what does it take to be an alteletic u have to go to school

How long does it take to earn a bachelor's degree in athletic training?

Hello there, this is Usain Bolt. I started my degree when I was 20 years old and took me until I was 34 years old. Currently, I am 37 years old just 3 years after I earned my degree.

What is the average salary of an athletic trainer?

According to the National Athletic Trainers Association the average salary for an athletic trainer with a bachelor's degree is $36,282, master's degree is $41,280 and doctorate is $54,512.