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Cancer is NOT contagious.

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Q: Can you get cancer from animals like a hamster giving cancer to a human?
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Can hamster cancer be transmitted to a human?

no cancer is not contagious it is genetic(runs in your family line)

Is there anything that eats hamsters or harms hamsters?

my dog (shelty) once tried to eat my russian dwarf hamster. Otherwise, snakes, cats, all of animals like that can harm your hamster. But giving too much human food or putting your hamster in water can do HORRIBLE things to them

Giving animals things or ideas human like quaulities?

Giving nonhuman obects/animals human characteristics is called personification.

How do you fatten up a hamster?

try to give your hamster carrots and can also try giving your hamster yogurt drops and dog biscuits.

Does the phrase cancer ate up his skin a personification?

yes because you are giving cancer human like features

What is the word for animals giving birth?

All animals give birth. Animals that give live births, like human, are called mammals.

Has cancer naturally occurred in any other creatures besides human beings and animals humans have domesticated?

yes it has I even rats have had cancer

What is used for human as hamster?


What will a mother hamster do if the newborn hamster has a human scent?

it will abandon its baby.

Where can you get a human hamster ball?

i dont think you can get human hamster balls. well im not even sure if thats possible

Can you feed your hamster Jif peanut butter?

Don't give a hamster regular chocolate made for human consumption. A hamster's instinct is to store the chocolate in its cheek pouches, where the animal's body heat will melt it, and potentially choke the hamster.

How old is a hamster in hamster years if hes four in human years?

Well one human year is 25 hamster years so I guess he is 100. Hope this helps! =)