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If you are 26 you are no longer a child, so I would think not!

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Q: Can you get child support from your Dad if you are twenty-six and live in Oklahoma?
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You live in Texas and your 18 yr old wants to move to Oklahoma and live with an aunt do you have to pay child support?

I asked some questions in the discussion section that may effect this answer. But the short answer is that unless there is currently a court order in place mandating that the child support extend beyond the child's 18th birthday, you don't have to pay child support because at 18 the child reaches the age of majority and becomes an adult.

If a mother gets child support from the child's father and the child begins to live on their own before the child support ends does the child get the child support or the mother still?

It depends on the state you live in and the age of the child.

Can i file for child support if i live with my child's father?

In general, child support is paid by absent parents.

If im willing to be in the child's life do you still have to pay child support?

If you do not live with the child or directly support them you do.

Can child support be ordered if the child is age eighteen for back child support?

if the child is special needs and has to live with a parent yes otherwise no

Do you have to pay child support if you live together as roommates but have a court order for support?

If you have an order, you must pay child support.

If you live with your mom and your dad lives in Oklahoma and left when you were 7 and he hasn't paid any child support but you still want to live with him are you legally allowed to do so?

it all depends on your gae. for example, if you're 18 YES

Is child support base on where the child live or where the father live?

It is based on where the cs order has been filed. Child Support orders should be filed in the state where the child lives with the custodial parent.

Do you lose the child support if you live with the father?

In general, child support obligations are imposed on absent parents.

Does a live in male have to share his oil and gas inhertance from his father with his live in girlfriend the property is in Texas and Oklahoma?

Unless a person gifts or contracts to convey the property, a live in significant other is not entitled to any portion of the person's property. If there is a child born of the union, the custodial parent may be able to get an order for child support from the other parent. If the child support goes into default, the custodial parent may be able to attach to property.

Will a new spouse have to pay child support in the state of NC?

when a person has a child it is mandatory that they pay child support no matter where they live

If you live with someone that pays child support can monies be taken from your account to support that child?

If it is a joint account yes.