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Since New York doesn't have an emancipation statute, the answer is no.

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Q: Can you get emancipated at 17 in New York and then move to Illinois and still be emancipated?
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How can a 16 year old move out from her parents' house in New York and get emancipated with parental consent?

New York does not have an emancipation statute. She can move out with parental consent, but they are still responsible for the child.

How old do you have to be to move out of your parents' house in Chicago?

You have to be 18 to move out or go to court to become emancipated.

Can a 17 year old move out with A 23 year old Illinois?

not unless your emancipated.

If you get unemployment in Illinois but move to Indiana can you still receive unemployment from Illinois?

Yes, providing you comply with the regulations of the state you worked in, New York, concerning moving while collecting benefits.

Is it legal for a girl to move out with parental consent in Illinois?

Yes, but you cannot own property without being emancipated.

If your 16 years old in Illinois and your emancipated can you move in with your boyfriend that is over the age of 18?

As long as you are emancipated, you can move in. When you become emancipated it means, even though age wise you are not, legally you are an adult. You can sign contracts and make all the decisions, and deal with the responsibilities of, being an adult.

Can you move out if you have already had your child at the age of 16?

In Illinois, yes, you would be emancipated. Good luck. ****** There is no state in the US where a minor is emancipated merely by getting pregnant/having a child (that would be ridiculous). You are still subject to the rules and authority of your parents, so they get to decide where you're allowed to live.

In Pennsylvania can you move out once you have a child?

Having a child does not emancipate you. You must still be 18 or legally emancipated to move out.

Can a 17 year old girl with a baby move to another state from Illinois with out consent from a parent?

No, she is not emancipated. She can't even move out fo the house without their consent.

If you marry at the age of 16 do you still have to be emancipated to move out of their house?

As far as I'm aware, in every state if you legally marry, then you are automatically considered to be an emancipated minor and therefore you can move out without parental consent.

If your 16 and emancipated in Arizona can you move to New York?

Most likely. Just be ready and packed, and have a ticket. Adults won't have control over you so you will most possibly be able move to New York.

Can a 16 year old move out in new york state?

Under the right conditions a 16 year old can move out in the state of New York. This 16 year old must be emancipated first.