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Yes, but unless you qualify as the dependent of a Medicare-eligible wage earner, the premiums will be very high.

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Q: Can you get medicare at 65 even if I didn't pay into it. That is didn't work?
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Who does not pay for Medicare?

Everyone who pays any type of federal tax pays for medicare- Therefore, anyone who pays no federal taxes, does not pay for medicare. CORRECTION: Medicare is funded by a payroll tax, paid by employers and employees, and by insurance premiums. It is not funded by income taxes or other sources. Therefore, persons who are not yet Medicare eligible or who are unemployed and those few who are employed but do not pay Medicare payroll taxes do not pay for Medicare.

Can you get Medicare if im in work compensation?

If you are qualified for Medicare, the fact that you have a work related injury will not prevent you from acquiring Medicare coverage. Worker's Compensation will only pay for expenses in treating your injury that you acquired at work. Everything else will have to be covered elsewhere.

Does medicare pay for bariatric surgeryin Hardin memorial hospital?

Depending on the amount of the work that is coming from the medicare your may have it covered for your surgery.

Do all retirees pay the same for medicare?

Medicare beneficiaries pay premiums (most people do not have to pay a premium for Medicare Part A); also, working retirees pay Medicare payroll tax.

If medicare is secondary will it pay the primary co pay?

AnswerIt depends on the allowed amounts. Even if it does pay something it will never pay the entire copay.

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Do you obtain a authorization for secondary ins when medicare is primary?

after getting the payment from medicare (Primary) then secondary (X/Y/Insurance should pay even if there is no auth. And only this happens if secondary insurance follow medicare guidelines.

Does Medicare pay for routine heart stress test?

Medicare will pay 80% as long as it is as an out-patient test.

Can your employer pay for my medicare premium?

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Will Medicare pay for a ventricular pacemaker?

Yes. I had a pacemaker implanted and medicare paid for it except the 20% deductible. Some things such as blood work was covered 100% from Medicare. Please remember that medicare guidelines on coverage varies by state. So you would want to call them and talk to them about the specific coverage of the procedure you need done.