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Q: Can you get money for recycling wine bottles?
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Related questions

Where do you cash bottles to get money?

Recycling center?

How much money do you get for recycling plastic bottles in Virginia?

You do not get money for recycling plastic bottles in West Virginia. Many other states will give you money for bottle deposit though.

How much money do you get for recycling water bottles?


What is a recycling bank?

where you enter glass bottles and get money in return!!

Which state gets money by recycling bottles?

i believe every state has some sort of a recycling system

What types of products are accepted at recycling centers?

Recycling centers typically accept aluminum cans, glass bottles and jars, and wine bottles. Most centers also accept paper products such as newspapers, cardboard, and magazines.

How much money can you get for recycling cans and bottles?

you can get 5 cents for a water bottle

Can you get money for plastic bottles in recycling?

This 100% depends on where you are. Where I am plastic bottles have a refundible deposit, so yes. Many places do not.

Why are very few glass bottles reused?

Because glass bottles can be used for many things, for examole, wine bottles. Different brands of wine have different coloured bottles. Also, they break easily, and plastic bottles are a lot easier carry around.

How do deposits on bottles and cans affect the incentives of individuals to recycle these products?

well everyone wants money somehow and the best ways to get it is recycling and saving all those bottles they consume to sell them por money.

Where can I get some personalized wine bottles?

If you're looking for a great place to get personalized wine bottles, you can save some money by trying They have some great deals all year round.

What is correct name for 6 bottles wine?

Six bottles of wine are a half case.