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A small amount no, but if you have come close to drowning who knows what may result from that amount of water in your lungs.

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Q: Can you get pneumonia from inhaling water through the nose?
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Because you give the olfactory nerves more time to identify the aroma.

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Because you give the olfactory nerves more time to identify the aroma.

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The difference of inhalation and exhalation are, inhalation is inhaling the oxygen or the air , and exhalation is exhaling or breathe out

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How aspiration pneumonia cause cut throat?

013 - WebMD cuts through the hype to reveal the best kept secrets for healthy hair. ... Pneumonia caused by Mycoplasma pneumoniaeMycoplasma ... from the stomach, or vomit into the lungs (aspiration pneumonia). ... A healthy person's nose and throat often contain bacteria or viruses that cause pneumonia.

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Piercing your nose yourself leaves you with a huge risk of infection. If you get even a slight infection, your immune system will be compromised and you'd have an increased chance of getting pneumonia. But you won't get pneumonia directly from piercing.