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Q: Can you get pregnant if you have worms?
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Can a female cat get worms while pregnant?

Yes, it is possible for a female cat to get contracted with worms while pregnant. From what I know, de-wormers are usually not advised for pregnant cats as they may cause birth defects. You can consult with a vet if you are worried about your pregnant cat having worms. Worms can sometimes be dangerous to the kittens if they travel through the mother's milk.

Do you feel sick and get headaches when you have worms?

you might be pregnant

How do you know when worms are pregnant?

Earth worms are both male and female so they can make themselves pregnant that's kind of complicated.

Are worms asexually?

no Worms reproduce by sexual reproduction, when they get under each other's skin, then release the sperm and egg cells.

When a horse is pregnant can you give it medicine to clear all the animals in its stomach?

Now why would you want to do that? Does the horse have worms in its system? Check with a veterinarian first to see if your horse does have worms, and if it does, give it dewormer (which is a kind of medicine). Your veterinarian will also tell you which dewormer is safe for pregnant mares and which are not.

Can you treat worms in a pregnant cat?

Not sure on this, however worms can present health risks such as anemia and being lethargic among others. The needed anesthesia could intensify these or complicate things further. Best bet is to rid the cat of worms first.

If a woman has tapeworms and gets pregnant could the worms then eat the baby?

No. Tapeworms live in the digestive system, not the reproductive system, for starters. But by all means, get rid of the tapeworm. It's extremely unhealthy, pregnant or not.

When do you feed your bearded dragon worms?

It depends how big your Beardie is - and what size food you're wanting to offer him/her. You should only ever feed insects that are smaller than the distance between the Beardie's eyes.

Why is your dog being sick in morning before eating?

If the dog is female she could be pregnant. But I would take them to the vet anyway it could be worms or a number of things.

Your father has open wounds and has worms. Is it good to have worms?

Normally no. Maggots are sometimes used to help treat wounds, but other worms are generally a bad sign. Some bad worms are heart worms, round worms, tape worms, pin worms, and hook worms.

What worms can live inside the human body?

Flatworms such as tape worms and flukes, and roundworms such as trichinosis-causing worms, filarial worms, ascarid worms and hook worms.

Are meal worms real worms?

Meal-worms are actually beetle grubs - NOT worms.