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Q: Can you get salmonella from undercooked pizza?
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Which contamination is usually associated with undercooked chicken?


Where do think the salmonella come from?

Germs undercooked eggs or meat.

What food contamination's is usually associated with undercooked chicken?

Salmonella is the food contamination usually associated with undercooked chicken

Food born illness associated with raw or undercooked egg?

That would be Salmonella.

Which food item has been associated with salmonella typhi?

undercook ground beef

What type of foods can cause Salmonella bacteria?

Generally people get salmonella from undercooked eggs and mayonnaise that has been sitting out too long.

What happens when you eat salmonella?

Salmonella poisoning stems from individuals eating undercooked meats especially chicken. The most common symptoms that happen after consuming salmonella are diarrhea, vomiting and dehydration in the body.

Which food contamination is usually associated with undercooked chicken?

Yes, among others. Salmonella bacteria can cause food poisoning. Symptoms include diarrhea, stomach cramps and sometimes vomiting and fever. Symptoms usually last for four to seven days.You usually get salmonella by eating contaminated food. Salmonella bacteria live in the gut of many farm animals and can affect undercooked meat, raw eggs, undercooked poultry and raw milk.It should be noted that eating cookie dough that has raw eggs in it and eating "over easy" eggs are a real risk.

Where do you salmonella?

Uncooked/undercooked poultry and eggs, unpasterized milk, contaminated water, and from reptiles whom most likely carry it.

What does salmonella require to grow?

Salmonella needs raw or uncooked meat to survive and multiply organisms. Salmonella needs raw or uncooked meat to survive and multiply organisms.