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Maybe.... did they see you throw it out of the vehicle or - were you near enough to it so that you were in "constructive possession" of it?

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Q: Can you get sited for possession of alcohol when there is no alcohol in the car?
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Does a Minor In Possession of alcohol affect auto insurance?

Contact your agent or policy services for that answer. Were they in a car when caught?

What is the fine for possession of alcohol i was not drinking not driving just in the car?

As long as it's legal, you don't get a fine

Misdemeanor Classification of underage possession of alcohol?

Is possession of alcohol considered a felony or misdemeanor?

Is it legal to have alcohol in trunk of car?

If it is legal for you to have possession of both a car and alcohol, then yes it is legal to have alcohol in the trunk of your car.

What happen if get a possession ticket?

That depends, possession of what? firearms? marijuana? cocaine? Alcohol?

You crashed into the car in front who is liable?

Typically the person that rear-ends the car is the driver sited for the accident. Usually, for following too closely. It is very rare that the front driver is sited and/or held liable for the accident.

Minor in possession of alcohol in Pennsylvania?


What are the punishments of underage possession of alcohol in Iowa?

you must be 21 to drink alcohol

How do you get out of a alcohol possession charge?

Only way would be to convince the judge (or jury) that you weren't in possession of it.

Is a minor in possession of alcohol worse than a possession of a controlled substance ticket?

They are both misdemeanor offenses.

Can you rescind an agreement to buy a new car if you have not taken possession of it?

Yes. My fiancee and I just did that (California). We did not take physical possession of the car, and nor did we take "constructive possession." I.e., taking the keys to the car and leaving the car on the lot.

How bad is it having possession of marijuana and possession of alcohol and resisting a peace officer if I'm a juvenile and illegal?

You will get the chair.