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Vaginal sores are not a known side effect of IUDs. It may be a sign of infection. See your health care provider for diagnosis and treatment.

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Q: Can you get vaginal sore from an iud?
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Does an IUD reduce vaginal secretion in women who are using it?

Yes, a hormonal IUD can reduce vaginal moisture - a copper IUD will not. This is common across all forms of hormonal birth control, vaginal dryness is a common side-effect.

Is it true to get vaginal bleeding while you have the IUD and be pregnant?

Pregnancy on the IUD is unusual. Bleeding with the IUD is not a special sign of pregnancy. If you think you might be pregnant, take a pregnancy test.

Can you use neosporin on vaginal sore?

NO, any rash, infection, or sore use vaginal cream or consult with your doctor to see what they recommend

Can you insert an IUD while you are virgin?

Yes, you can have an IUD placed if you haven't had vaginal sex. The only limiting factor is likely to be discomfort from the speculum if the hymen is intact.

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Does an iud cause reduction in vaginal secretions in women using it as birth control?

Paragard will not reduce vaginal secretions, but Mirena may have a slight effect.

Can a IUD is placed in the vagina of a female to prevent pregnancy?

No, an IUD is placed in the uterus, not the vagina. The diaphragm, cervical cap, and vaginal ring are placed in the vagina to prevent pregnancy.

Is IUD good for people who have not given birth?

The IUD is safe and effective in women who have not given birth. There may be a bit more cramping during insertion for a woman who has not had a vaginal delivery.

What is the word for protection from getting pregnant?

Contraception (i.e. Birth control, IUD, IUC, vaginal foam)

What are the indications for an IUD treated with levonorgestrel?

An IUD with levonorgestrel is indicated for a woman who wants to avoid pregnancy and is happy for the opportunity to have minimal or absent vaginal bleeding. It's also indicated for women who want to decrease heavy menstrual bleeding while using an IUD for pregnancy prevention.

Can IUD cause vaginal infection or itching?

yes, having one increases your chances of of infection. Call your dr immediately.

What could an open but painless vaginal sore mean?

It means you should probably go to a gyeno(=