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yes you would have to pay all the back payments and probably a fee.

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Q: Can you get your car back after it has been repossed?
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How do get your repossed car back in Arizona?

Pay what you owe.

Your car was repossessed how can you get your car back?

If your was repossed you need to call the car company and pay your car

How much willit cost to get back a repossed car in Tennessee?

You need to be asking the lender this question. They can tell you exactly what to do to get your car back.

Who is liable if parts are sold from a repossed car?

The person or company that repossed it.

Can a car be repossed after payments have been made?

Yes, if other terms of the contract are breached, such as having no car insurance.

Can you get your property from the car if it has been repossessed without paying a fee?

Can I get my personal property from the car if it has already been repossed without paying a fee?

You cannot make the rest of the down payment and the dealer wants the car back do they have to give us back your trade?

In Chicago, IL if your car is repossed by the dealer do you still have to pay back the money for the car?

Your car has been repossessed today you know where it is your tags are still on it can you go and drive it away?

depends on your state about the tags whether they stay with the car,or if you can go claim them, as for taking the car after its been repossed most professional companies have reported it to the police and the bank. taking the car back would be auto theft

If your car gets repossed can you get your possessions that you had inside?


Can my car get repossed from a private parking lot?

Yes, it can.

How do you find out who repossed your car?

The lender who holds the note on your car, is the one that repossessed your car.

Can a military members car be repossed?

Anyone's car can be "repossessed" if they don't make their car payment.....