

Can you give Advil to cats?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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Not unless you want to kill them. Never give a cat ANY medication meant for a human! Only give a cat a medication prescribed for them by a veterinarian. Some medications that humans use are toxic to cats at any dosage, and others that can be given to them, must be given in much lower dosages than what a human can take.

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Q: Can you give Advil to cats?
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No. Human medicine can kill cats & dogs. If they don't die, they could get very sick.

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Not sure about cats but it will kill a dog and has a very small margin of safety even in humans so would highly recommend against giving it to a kitten. Tylenol will kill your kitten! If you don't believe it, your Vet will certainly tell you the same. All you have to do is make a phone call and even the Vet Tech at any animal hospital will tell you the same. NEVER GIVE YOUR PETS TYLENOL! IT WILL KILL THEM!

Can a cat get sick from taking Advil?

Yes, and actually your cat can die from taking Advil. Cats (and dogs) are very sensitive to human pain medications (Advil, Aleve, Tylenol, Motrin, ibuprofen, acetominophen, aspirin, etc.) and can develop fatal stomach ulcers at extremely low doses.

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What medicine do you give a dog whose hip hurts?

Try Rimadil Dogs can also take human medication like Advil and Tylenol, just give it according to the weight of the dog.

What pills are fatal to cats?

Acetaminophen (Tylenol) Benadryl Aspirin Ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) This is not a complete list, just those I know for certain.

Is glucosamine safe to give cats?

They make special formulas for cats. I give mine a gel of glucosamine and chondrointon, made for cats.

Were can you give your cats to?

Cats Protection League or RSPCA.