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A dog should never receive any medication which wasn't prescribed or recommended for it by your Vet. In particular, there aren't "cold medicines" for dogs and human cold medicines can cause them harm. If you have questions about a medicine your Vet prescribed for your nursing dog, you should call the prescribing Vet.

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Q: Can you give a dog cold medicine while they are nursing?
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If your not sure then DON'T RISK IT! Contact you GP or a pharmacy.

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NO! I believe that aspirin, an ingredient in many cold medicines, is FATAL to cats, so DO NOT give your cat human medicine.

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A person is contagious with a chest cold for about 2 weeks. A doctor can give you medicine to help you get rid of the chest cold.

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No cure for the cold has been found. Increased fluids can be helpful.

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no allot of human medicine is poisonous to cats ring a vet for advice

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Tylonal cold or flu medicine for infants.

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The only medicine that I have given my 24 month old is Tylenol or Motrin, I have never given him anything else.

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Tyronol. (I Loved the bubblegum flavor!)