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Some examples of homonyms that are spelled the same:

  • Bear (animal) and bear (carry)
  • Porter (a weak beer) and porter (a man who carries luggage)
  • Lean (thin) and lean (rest against)
  • Lap (to drink with tongue) and lap (a circuit)
  • Plane (a tool) and plane (a tree)
  • Plain (ordinary looking) and plain (flat country)
  • Skip (to jump) and skip (to miss out)
  • Miss (unmarried woman) and miss (to overlook)
  • Pluck (to remove feathers) and pluck (bravery)
  • Type (to write via keyboard) and type (a sort)
  • Train (a loco and trucks) and train (to teach)
  • Fluke (a stroke of luck Fluke ( the fins on a whales tail)
  • Bow (bend forward) bow (front of a ship)
  • Quail (cower) quail (bird)
  • Fair (appearance) fair (reasonable)
  • Lie (horizontal position) lie (falsehood or untruth expressed as truth)
  • Lead (metal) Lead (start off in front)
  • Blue (the color) blue (the feeling of sadness)
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4d ago

Sure! Some examples of homonyms with the same spelling are:

  1. Bark (sound a dog makes) and bark (outer covering of a tree)
  2. Bat (flying mammal) and bat (sports equipment)
  3. Plant (living organism) and plant (to place in soil)
  4. Tear (to rip) and tear (drop of liquid from the eye)
  5. Lead (to guide) and lead (metal)
  6. Wind (movement of air) and wind (to twist)
  7. Bow (knot) and bow (weapon for shooting arrows)
  8. Row (line of objects) and row (to paddle a boat)
  9. Light (not heavy) and light (source of illumination)
  10. Fair (just) and fair (event with amusement rides)
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Q: Can you give examples of 10 homonyms with the same spelling?
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Can you give example of homonyms that not same spelling?

bare, bear prays, preys, praise karat, carrot

What does homonym mean?

Homonyms are words that have the same spelling and pronunciation but different meanings. Examples include "bat" (a flying mammal) and "bat" (a piece of sports equipment).

What kind of word are homonyms?

with the same sound but differ spelling

True or false couch and sofa are homonyms?

False. They are synonyms ( they mean the same thing). Homonyms have the same spelling and the same pronunciation, but different meanings. (For the record, same sound, different meaning and spelling are homophones; same spelling, different sound and meaning are homographs.)

Can you give me 20 homonyms with opposite spelling?

Although "homonyms" are sometimes defined as sounding OR spelling the same, the precise definition requires both. (Sound alikes are "homophones".) Homonyms have different MEANINGS, normally as differing parts of speech (i.e. verb-noun, adjective-noun). Heteronyms are spelled alike but have different sounds and meanings. Examples of homonyms :Bear (animal or carry) / Left (direction or not taken) / Cast (to mold or a splint) Examples of homophones : bye-buy, see-sea, ate-eight, threw-through, to-too-two. Examples of heteronyms : dove (bird, did dive) wind (air, to crank) close (near, to shut)

Words which have the same pronunciation and spelling but different meaning?

They are called "homonyms".

What are the words with same spelling with different in pronunciation?

Words that sound the same are called homophones. Examples of homophones : bear-bare, two-too, tea-tee. ---- Words that are spelled and pronounced the same, but have different meanings, are called homonyms. Examples of homonyms : left (past tense of leave, or a direction), bear (carry, or the animal) All homonyms are homophones but, as shown, not all homophones are homonyms.

50 other examples of homonyms?

Bark (the sound a dog makes) and bark (the outer covering of a tree) Bat (a flying mammal) and bat (a piece of sports equipment) Bear (an animal) and bear (to carry or endure) Bow (a type of knot) and bow (a weapon for shooting arrows) Cell (a small room) and cell (a biological unit) Die (to cease living) and die (a cube used in games) Fair (just) and fair (an event with rides and games) Flew (past tense of fly) and flu (a sickness) Hair (on your head) and hare (a type of rabbit) Key (a tool for opening locks) and key (music) Lead (to guide) and lead (a metal) Mail (post) and mail (armor) Night (darkness) and night (a period of time) Pair (two items) and pear (a fruit) Right (correct) and right (opposite of left) Sail (on a boat) and sale (when items are sold) Sea (ocean) and see (to view) Tail (on an animal) and tale (a story) Vane (weather indicator) and vain (egotistical) Waist (part of the body) and waste (to use improperly)

10 homonyms with same spelling in sentences?

Sure! Here are 5 examples of homonyms: The wind blows through the trees. I need to wind my watch. The bear is in the bear of the forest. I will sew a button onto my shirt. The sow is eating slops in the barn.

What is the menning of homonyms?

two or more words having the same spelling but different meanings

What are homonies?

Homonyms are words that have the same pronunciation or spelling but different meanings. They can cause confusion in communication. Examples include "bat" (flying mammal) and "bat" (sports equipment).

Can you give 10 examples of heteronyms with the same spelling but different in sound and meaning?
