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Example sentences with noun and adjective:

  1. He gave me an adorable kitten.
  2. Have another cupcake.
  3. One bad apple will spoil the whole barrel.
  4. What a beautiful day.
  5. The cold weather is coming.
  6. We need comfortable shoes for this job.
  7. She had a daisy in her dark hair.
  8. He stared ahead in deep thought.
  9. Grandma had ecru doilies on her furniture.
  10. Divide the mixture into equal parts.
  11. This is our favorite place for lobster.
  12. A fun time was had by all.
  13. Yes, I had a great time too.
  14. You are a good friend.
  15. A cup of hot coffee, please.
  16. There's some helpful information on this site.
  17. Idle hands are the devil's workshop.
  18. I never wear this itchy sweater.
  19. We have a joint checking account.
  20. They sang that jolly tune over and over.
  21. You have a keen sense of smell.
  22. A kind neighbor helped me out.
  23. We haven't seen you since last year.
  24. It's a long way home.
  25. These are my lucky socks.
  26. I need more milk for my cereal.
  27. My car is in the shop.
  28. He's an genuine nutty professor.
  29. It took nine years to pay off the debt.
  30. I have an original issue.
  31. The open house is on Friday.
  32. That's a pretty dress.
  33. Poor baby, you'll feel better tomorrow.
  34. They made a quick settlement.
  35. We're spending a quiet evening at home.
  36. The red tie would look best.
  37. I'm finally replacing the raggedy sofa.
  38. It's a simple plan that won't cost much.
  39. We have a short day on Friday.
  40. That is a true statement.
  41. I'm expecting two friends for lunch.
  42. That's an unusual sculpture.
  43. We went to the urgent care center.
  44. The bridesmaids are wearing violet dresses.
  45. Her velvet pillows are so luxurious.
  46. Don't come in here with wet feet.
  47. A winding road leads to the cabin.
  48. Mom loves yellow tulips.
  49. Our yearly fundraiser is held in June.
  50. I'll have some zesty sauce for my noodles.
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1mo ago

I can provide a few examples, but not 50. Here are some examples of a noun followed by an adjective:

  1. Sky: blue sky
  2. Dog: fluffy dog
  3. Coffee: hot coffee
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