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Q: Can you give me a sentence of figurative language but that gives a example of a simile?
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Using the word simile in a sentence?

A simile is a type of figurative language.

Which type of figurative language is dust-bath as used in the following sentence?


The cat’s fur was as smooth as silk.This is an example of which type of figurative language?

A simile

Which type of figurative language is used in this sentence?

To not talk literally in a sentence. example of a literal sentence: go away. <--to change that to a figurative sentence you would say: go take a hike you wouldn't want the person to actually go into the mountains and explore would you?

Can you give an example of figurative?

A simile is a figurative language that compares two things that are alike in some way. An example is the phrase as cute as a kitten.

Slow as molasses is an example of what type of figure of speech?

Ana is as slow as molasses in the morning. What does this figurative language mean?

What figurative language uses 'like' or 'as'?

simile-a comparison of like objects using like or as

Is this sentence a figuiative language ''we tramped through the mall parking lot like a gaggle of geese?

In the sample sentence given, there is a type of figurative language. "Like a gaggle of geese" is an example of a simile where things are compared using "like" and "as."

What figure of speech is a bellow like a bull's vaunt an example of?

It's figurative language, specifically a simile.

What is the figurative language of Charlotte's Web?

Some figurative language is simile you can start it off like a baby.

What are some examples of figurative language in out of the dust by Karen Hesse?

Metaphor, Personification, repetation, simile, hyperbol these are the few example of figurative language used by Karen Hesse author of Out of The Dust.

What is the figurative language for Cathy is as cute as a kitten?
