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Ciprofloxacin is a prescription medication intended for humans and should never be given to a cat or any other animal. A safe antibiotic alternative would be apple cider vinegar.

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Q: Can you give your cat cipro for a urinary tract infection.She is peeing all over house in front of me?
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Related questions

How should you wipe after peeing?

From the front of your vagina to the back.

How do you protect yourself from urine problems?

Females - Wipe front to Back. Or you could get a urinary tract infection.

How should women wipe themselves?

Women should wipe themselves from front to back after using the toilet. This helps prevent the spread of bacteria from the anal area to the urinary tract, reducing the risk of urinary tract infections.

Is there a way to teach a boy dog how to pee without peeing on his front legs?

Boy dogs are called Male Dogs for future knowledge and you can't train them not to pee on their front legs. Your dog must be a puppy so when he or she gets fed up with having their legs wet, they will change how to pee. Let mother nature take her course with your dog and as the dog gets older his or her peeing habits will change.

If a boy pees in front of you what should you do?

In the first place he doesn't need to be peeing in front of you and also you should have turned your head or left and told him you didn't appreciate him doing that and that he has no respect for himself to do that(or you either) . Also if your a boy you should never pee in front of a girl and they should never pee in front of you. hence why everybody calls them YOUR PRIVATE PARTS not our private parts

Why must a front to back motion be used to clean the urinary meatus?

Because you are avoiding contaminating the vaginal and urethral areas.

What causes bladder infections?

Wiping from back to front after a bowel movement is one common cause of a bladder infection. Also, holding in your urine and unprotected sexual intercourse are other common causes of a bladder infection.

Our puppy was totally potty trained and now he is peeing everywhere in front of us. He has not had an accident for at least a month. Before this we are with him all the time. He doesn't poop just pee?

There could be any number of reasons. It could be a urinary tract infection or a kidney problem. If it continues, you should take the dog to a vet. It could also be less serious, in psychology it is called 'extinction.' It could just be a sudden discontinuance of a learned behavior due the the absence of whatever positive stimulus you used to train him in the first place.

How should a girl wipe her butt?

after she gets done peeing she needs to wipe her self, if shes little she might need help but she takes some toilet paper a and wipes from her vagina to the front if she pees if she poops she wipes from her vagina to the back

How should girls wipe after peeing?

Sometimes we would go pee and find no toilet paper in stall, so we have to go and wait till next time we pee to wipe. When I find no toilet paper and I would wipe with my hand some of excess pee off then wash hands!

Why has your elderly dog started peeing all the time indoors?

Canine urinary incontinence is not uncommon in older dogs, and your vet has some suggestions on how to manage it. That's the best way to approach the issue, and a veterinarian went to school for a long time to learn stuff like this. It is important to note that there are a number of possible causes for your dog's behavior, and urinary tract infection is probably a list topper. That's why the visit to the vet is important. Has your dog been drinking more water than usual? Could this be triggered by medications the animal is taking? Or other pathology? There are several more factors that might lead to this behavior, and if a dog is getting up in years, it may "forget" the training it has had regarding going out to pee. In addition to what we've covered, we should also note that urinary "parts" will "wear out" over time, and the urinary sphincter (a muscle) can become weak in older dogs, particularly the girl ones. There may be a neurological cause, and you can see that things could become complex trying to diagnose a dog's medical condition from a chair in front of your computer. Hormone imbalance and even some cardiologic issues can affect urinary control in dogs. Consider that you've done your homework, and report to the clinic with your pooch to get the opinion of an expert. S/he is worth every dime, really.

What does it mean if you mention a guy in front of someone you like and they ask if it?

I'm guessing that they likes you and thinks you like someone else. To me it sounds like they likes you, and it kinda sounds like they are is marking they're territory ( without peeing on you lol ). I say if you like them to go for it and ask them out!