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No, you can`t go blind. If you accidently jab your eye with the needle it is possible to go blind, but not if you pop the stye. You shouldn`t pop a stye with a needle anyway - it does no good for it. You should have eye drops/and eye wash. Or have it for a long time and let it heal by itself (this should take 3 weeks to 2 years - but with correct treatment it should only take about a week). =]

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Q: Can you go blind for popping a stye yourself?
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Can you go to school with a stye?

Yes, You can

How do you make a stye go down?

Warm compresses

Can you use alcohol on a stye?

No, the alcohol can damage the surface of the eye. Instead, go to an eye doctor, and have her express the material from within the stye. It should then dry up and go away.

Can you have a stye in your eye that only starts hurting after it has been there for 6 months?

A stye is a pimple and it shouldn’t be there for 6 months. Go to optometrist to find out what it is.

Do visine eye drops help a stye go away on your eye?

Eyedrops can help those who have a stye in their eye. Eyedrops can help to reduce the swelling and the pain that associated with this condition. If the stye persists, a person should visit their doctor.

Can you go swimming with an eye stye?

Try to put a hot tea bag on it over night, and then do not get it wait, just wear sunglasses and keep your eye out of the water. You wont have as much fun but you can still go.

How can you go instantly blind?

everything can go blind in a waycan you go blind if you stay in the darkness?yes

What does it mean by popping tags?

Popping tags means that you go shopping and buy clothes. They call it popping tags because you "pop" the tag off after you buy it.

When was I Go Blind created?

I Go Blind was created in 1986.

Are rodents blind?

no,but they can go blind

When Beethoven went blind?

He did not go blind.

Do you need to go to the doctor if you have a stye in your ey?

No, unless it turns way big and then they stick a needle in it to get out the build up.