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you CAN do anything. but i'd wash before switching and definitely use a different condom

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Q: Can you go from anal to vaginal?
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Related questions

What are the way?

anal vaginal and oral

Can you get a yeast infection from anal then back to vagina?

Yes; you can get all sorts of infections from anal to vaginal intercourse. Make sure the condom is changed or the penis washed before going from anal to vaginal intercourse.

Can you have anal and viginal sex at the same time?

Yes, you can. Woman do this plenty of times. Of course, this means an orgy. I'd strongly suggest that you clean your penis and your partner's vagina before going straight from anal to vaginal sex. Medically speaking it is not clean, and cause infections. It's common practice to go directly from vaginal to anal sex.

How far is the vaginal hole from anal hole?

A couple inches

Why do guys like to girls anal and not vaginal?

Mostly because it's more tight doing anal I suppose.

Dose anal feel beter than vaginal for guys?

I haven't had sex yet so I wouldn't know. But what I do know is that the vagina gets wet and expands, which allows the penis to slip in and out of the vagina with ease. But if you are gay (or not gay) and you are having anal sex, it would probably hurt a little because the ass's whole doesn't expand, which means that it will be harder to get the penis in and out of the ass's whole. But over all I think that if you want to ejaculate quicker, go with the anal. If you want to take your time and enjoy the moment. Go with the vaginal. But again I haven't had sex, anal or vaginal, so I wouldn't know.

How many kind of sex in the world?

There are three: vaginal , oral and anal.

Is anal halal?

This is more a religious question. In Islam anal sex is not halal. only Vaginal sex is allowed.The answer to your question is that it is haram (forbidden).

Can lisinopril cause vaginal itching?

I don,t know but i am on lisinopril and i have bad vaginal itch and now developede anal itch from feces.

Different type sex?

i know there's oral and anal but I'm sure there's other types.

Can you get chlamydia from blumpkins?

Chlamydia can be transmitted during vaginal, anal, or oral sex. Chlamydia can also be passed from an infected mother to her baby during vaginal childbirth.

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