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Well Yes and No. A Pediatrician is a medical physician with a specialization.

While you really must have a 4 year degree, you cannot get a medical degree or be a Pediatrician with just a four year degree - from any school. It takes much more schooling.

Getting a Medical degree requires going/graduating from a medical school. That is a many years program done after college. Once one gets their Doctorate degree, they then need to take certain becomes more a hands on thing than you may consider school at this that specialization. Additional to getting the degree's you need is to pass certain professional tests to be certified/licensed so that you are actually able to work in the field.

Like anything there are exceptions, but in the very competitive field of medicine, for a Medical school to accept you it is best to have gone to a 4 year (or undergraduate) college at an institution of high regard...not just any school, AND to have taken a specific course of programs preparing one for medical school. Generally in the Sciences. (So, just going to a great school and getting a four year degree in say Accounting, won't eliminate you, but it isn't really going to lead to you being very desired by a medical school). There are also entry tests, similar to the SAT in high school, that the medical schools rely on. Basically aptitude and knowledge based, to identify people who have the inherent ability to be a physican.

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Q: Can you go to any four year college to become a pediatrician?
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Do you need to go to high school or college to become a pediatrician?

To become a pediatrician one would have to graduate highschool and then attend college for four years, go to four years of medical school, be an intern for one year, complete a two year residency, and then take an exam.

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To become a pediatrician takes many years of college education. You would first complete a standard four year Bachelor's degree program. Then you would go on to complete four more years of medical school to become a general M.D. The final step to becoming a pediatrician is to complete a three year residency, after which you would pass an examination to be certified to be a pediatric doctor.

Can you be a pediatrician with four years of college?

To be a pediatrician, you need four years of undergraduate study, four years of medical school, and a three year residency. There are many other health care fields that primarily serve children that require four years of college and, increasingly, an MS.

What training or education do you need to become a pediatrician?

you have take biology, chemistry, English, and psycholgy and college preparatory classes in high school. You also have to earn a four year doctor of medicine or doctor of osteopathy along with at least three years of residency training to become a very good and successful pediatrician.

How many years of collage to become a pediatrician?

* four years of college * four years of medical school * one year of a Pediatrics internship * two years of a Pediatrics residency that's what i think...any other answers can be different

What is the trining need to become a pediatrician?

To become a pediatrician you need:4 year college degree4 year medical school degree3-4 years of an accredited residency programFor a combined total of 11-12 years of training after the completion of high school.

What degrees are necessary to become a pediatrician?

To become a pediatrician you need: 4 year college degree 4 year medical school degree 3-4 years of an accredited residency program For a combined total of 11-12 years of training after the completion of high school.

What is the experienced required to become a pediatrician?

To become a pediatrician you need: 4 year college degree 4 year medical school degree 3-4 years of an accredited residency program For a combined total of 11-12 years of training after the completion of high school.

How many years do to become a pediatrician?

Considering that there is about 13 years of college required to become a MD Pediatrician, if one started college at age 18, then that person would be 31 before they graduated medical school. It would be impossible to have your MD license and practicing pediatric medicine at, say, age 21. The right to become a pediatrician is not based upon a minimal age, rather based upon years of education and residency completed.

How long do you go to school to be a pediatricians?

To become a pediatrician you need: 4 year college degree 4 year medical degree 3+ years of pediatric residency For a minimum of 11 years of training after high school.

What kind of experience does a person need to become a pediatrician?

A four-year medical degree is necessary. Experience with kids is also helpful.

What do you need to take in your first year of college to become a pediatrician?

What you take in college isn't as important as getting into medical school. Most doctors start with an undergraduate in biology or biochemistry.