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Q: Can you go to basic training with tickets pending?
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Is everyone in the military required to go to basic training?

Yes, everyone in the Military is required to go to Basic Training.

Do people in the Navy Nurse Corps go to basic training?

No.Members of the Nursing Corps do not go through basic training. They attend an officer training, instead.

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Can us army go home after basic training at Oklahoma?

Typically No, you will proceed right to your AIT (MOS training) right after Basic Training, unless you are a Reserve soldier you might be able to go home after Basic

How does the army decide where you go for basic training?

For your training they will send you based on what you decide you want to do. If you ask your recruiter he/she should be able to tell you where you go for your basic training. good luck!

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Do you still have to go through basic training to become a registered nurse in the military?

You would go through OBT - Officer Basic Training. There are no enlisted nurses.

Do you have to take boot camp to be a nurse?

To be a military nurse, you would go through OBT - Officers Basic Training - which is a bit different from the basic training enlisted personnel go through.

When do you go to to basic combat training after enlisting in the National Guard?

It depends on your MOS. They like to send you to the closest basic training base to your AIT training base because it's cheaper that way.

Where did pat tillman go to basic training?

I believe he had an Infantry MOS, in which case, he would've done One Station Unit Training (Basic Combat Training and Advanced Individual Training, rolled into one package) at Fort Benning, Georgia.

Do armed forces chaplains go through basic training?

Personnel that join the military as officers (doctors, dentists, ministers, lawyers) attend a basic officer's branch course instead of basic combat training.

Is there any way to go into the US Army without going through basic training?

The only way to enter the US Army as a soldier without going through US Army Basic Training is to be a prior service member, in which case, you would have already gone through Basic Training/boot camp. Otherwise, the answer is no. You could gain employment as a Department of Defence civilian employee, but a lot of those jobs come with a stipulation that you join a reserve component of the military, which is still going to require you to go through Entry Level Training. Even officers have a Basic Training they go to - OBT, or Officers Basic Training.