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Yes, in California, individuals can be criminally charged and face potential jail time for engaging in harassment. Harassment can be prosecuted under California's criminal laws if it involves threats, violence, or stalking behaviors that cause fear or distress to the victim. Penalties can vary depending on the severity of the harassment and any prior criminal history of the offender.

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Q: Can you go to jail in CA for harassment?
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Depending on the situation, a 12-year-old would go to a juvenile center instead of jail if such a punishment is needed.

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In Kentucky, harassment is characterized as a misdemeanor. If charged with harassment, a person can receive up to three months in jail.

Can you go to jail for Sexual Harassment?

It depends on the laws of the State or the country.Usually, yes in many states and countries

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No jail time, just sexual harassment charges.

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well if it's mutual then no but how old is she and how old are you? that really depends.

What is the sentencing for harassment?

There is no specific sentence for harassment because in the end it is up to the judges discretion. However, if found guilty the defendant can serve up to one year in jail.

What is a sentence for the word harassment?

He was arrested for harassment.This harassment will not go unpunished.

What is the sentence for first degree harassment in Iowa?

Penalties for first degree harassment in Iowa include a fine of between $625 and $6,250), up to two years in jail, or both.

What happens when you get a DUI in CA?

It gets VERY expensive! Check out "DUI - A Costly Mistake" in the related link I added.