

Can you grow plants in eyes?

Updated: 12/15/2022
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Q: Can you grow plants in eyes?
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Can grow new plants from eyes?

yes you can you need about two but it depends

Can you grow new plants from eyes?

yes you can you need about two but it depends

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Potato reproduce with the help of the eyes on the potao tuber because the seeds of potato plants are very week and rarely grow into plants.

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Potatoes are plants. They do not grow on other plants.

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No penuts do not grow on plants,they grow in the ground

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Yes and no. Pikmin are a cross between plant and animal: they sprout from seeds and grow flowers like plants, yet have eyes and consume food like an animal.

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Will plants grow in pop?

no, they will not , plants will grow in water or soil

What type of plants will grow?

Most Plants grow/get bigger