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yes you can you need about two but it depends

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Q: Can you grow new plants from eyes?
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Can grow new plants from eyes?

yes you can you need about two but it depends

What has underground stems with eyes of buds from which new plants grow?


Can you grow plants in eyes?


When planting potatoes do eyes face up?

because The "eyes" of the potatoes are buds that grow into new plants.@tonilyn_1D

What do plants do to grow into new plants?

germination is when a plant is being to grow

When the spores of some plants grow the new plants are called what?

There new plants are called gametophtes

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What do new plants grow from?

Normal plants grow from seeds. But banana tree can't grow from seeds. They need a banana plant to grow. Plant such as- Fungi,Moss,Fern etc grow from spores. Spores blow in wind.

Do crabs grow new eyes?

Yes they can

Why is pollination important to plants?

It leads to the creation of new seeds that grow into new plants.

Does new plants grow from the roots of sweet potato?

Yes,new plants grow from the roots of potato, sweet potato, ginger and turmeric.

What are some methods that man use to grow new plants?

cuttage,grafting and layering are the methods man use to grow new plants