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the answer is yes

---> Depending on the species, bottomfeeders and bettafish usually do get along. However, there are compatibility issues between some species. For instance, a Chinese Algae Eater is a more aggressive and independent bottomfeeder who would more than likely nip at your betta. The best option would be to stick with either snails, shrimp or a Siamese Algae Eater.

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Q: Can you have a betta male and a bottomfeeder in a bowl?
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Why is your male betta scaring your female betta?

I am no expert, but believe that betas are solitary and prefer to have a fish bowl to themselves.

When should you clean your fish bowl?

I clean my male betta's 1gal bowl at least once a week

Can a male betta fish thrive in a bowl?

Male betta fish can be housed in both bowls and aquarium. In order to thrive though they need the proper lighting and filtration.

Will two male Betta fish get along in the same bowl?

No, they will fight. It would stress them out.

Why wont your Male Crowntail Betta not flare?

because he doesnt want to and you get to close to the bowl

Can fish harm each other?

well if its a betta fish then yes, two male bettas in one bowl may result in one killing the other. you may also notice that even when there is only one male betta is in a bowl it will try to attack its reflection thinking its another male betta

How do i know if my betta is a male or female without adding another betta?

A male beta fish blows a lot of bubbles. so if there are a ton of bubbles at the top of the bowl or tank, your fish is most likely a boy.

Can you put a female and male Betta fish in the same tank or bowl or will they fight to death?

It's best to only put male and female betta fish in the same tank/bowl if you are breeding them. If they are not breeding and they still stay in the same area, the male would most likely attack the female, so keep the female away! Also, if you are breeding betta fish, make sure to remove the female betta after she lays her eggs, as the male will care for them and chase the female away.

Should your female betta's bowl be next to your male betta's bowl?

Yes and no. Yes because they can comunicate and they will try to impress each other and that gives them exercise. No because you male might try to jump in your females bowl, but that probably won't happen. But it is better to keep there bowls beside each other because it is good for them.

How do you take care of a male betta fish?

clean his bowl once a week, feed him every-otherday. hope i helped

What does it mean that a male Betta Fish has bubbles at the top of his bowl since adding a female Betta Fish yesterday?

the guy at PetSmart told me it means the fish wants to mate ...yep, even fish have the need :)

Can you put a male betta with another male betta?

This is the LAST thing you want to do! Putting a male betta fish in with another male is horrible because male bettas will fight to the death...not good!