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You would not need a social security card but you do need a social security number. All those who have credit have a legal right to have a free credit report one time annually from all credit bureaus.

You can request them at other times if you are denied credit as well.

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13y ago

no you cant you need a ss #. It is your sense of identification :) if you are a member of the U.S. then you already have one.

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Q: Can you have a credit bureau pulled without a social security card?
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The scores we provide are real credit scores pulled from a major credit bureau, not just estimates of your credit rating.

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They are completely seperate, though a US credit bureau can be pulled from Canada and vise versa.

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Call the Credit report agency that pulled your credit from the Bureau's and ask them to look at the back of the credit report where it says inquiries.

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First, just ask. But, you will probably have to complete a new application so that a new credit bureau report can be pulled.

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In the case of a major credit application such as a mortgage, all three bureau's are pulled in what is known as a Tri-Merge Report. Of all three FICO scores. the high score as well as the low score is disregarded. The middle score, regardless of the bureau it happens to be from is the one that is considered.

You getting offers to add credit cards and obtain great rewards Does it hurt your credit to open these cards obtain the rewards pay off the balance and close the account?

Yes, having your credit pulled can lower your FICO score. Which is the score on your credit bureau report used in some cases to determine your credit worthiness. Each time you apply for a new account your credit is pulled whether or not you are approved. Closing accounts can also have a poor effect on your credit report.

How can you tell who has pulled a copy of your credit report?

You can check your credit report regularly for any unauthorized inquiries. If you notice inquiries from companies you haven't authorized, it may indicate that someone has pulled your credit report without your permission. You can also contact the credit bureaus to place a fraud alert on your account.

If you pay off your spouse's debts before you get married would that improve your joint credit rating?

There is no such thing as a joint credit rating or joint credit score. Even when two people apply for credit together, their credit is pulled and scores are provided separately. These two separate reports can be merged into one single credit report, but look closely; you will still see separate scores on each bureau for them.

How many points does your credit score go down for a loan inqury?

"Hard" inquiries generally cause deductions from 1 to 4 points per bureau pulled. "Soft" inquiries do not cause any deductions.

How long do inquiries stay on your credit report example shopping for a vehicle and car insurance?

For a tri-merge credit report pulled from a credit bureau, inquires for only the last 90 days are reported. This shows potential creditors how much shopping for credit you've done over this period. Extensive inquiries can affect FICO scores (Fair Isaac & CO) know as credit scores. TaxMan/MortgageMan

What credit score of the three do creditors use?

When you have all three credit scores pulled, most creditors look at the middle score. If you have onloy two credit scores pulled, they will use the lowest one.