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They are completely seperate, though a US credit bureau can be pulled from Canada and vise versa.

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Q: Does bad Canadian credit affect US credit?
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Does bad credit score in the US effect the credit score in Canada?

Technically, no. The Canadian credit bureau does not share information with the US credit bureaus. However, a Canadian creditor can certainly check with a US credit bureau to check your credit history.

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If you move from Canada to the US and have bad debt in Canada will it effect your credit in the US?

When a Canadian moves to the U.S. their credit history in Canada is irrelevant. They will have no credit in the U.S. though, which can be worse than having bad credit. hi

Does your credit rating affect your car insurance premiums?

In the US, yes it does. I'm Canadian and here it does not.

Will bad debt in Canada affect us immigration process?

sure it is! really bad credit effects your immigration aloooot sure it is! really bad credit effects your immigration aloooot sure it is! really bad credit effects your immigration aloooot Do not take advise from anyone that can't spell a lot. Trust me it is not alot or even aloooot. it is and always will be ( A LOT) two words. I am not sure if they are right or not, but at the same time. if they can not spell, well I think that says it all.

Will your bad credit from the Philippines will affect your credit rating in the US?

It depends on who you are dealing with. Visa for instance has your number no matter where you go.

How can a Canadian get a US credit card?

You cannot get a credit card in the US with US credit card companies unless you have a social security number. Since Canadian residents don't have US social security numbers, they do not have access to US credit companies credit cards.

Is it legal to invoice in Canadian funds but charge that amount in US funds on your credit card?

if your credit card is Canadian and you go to the USA your purchases will be charged in US funds, if your credit card is American and you come to Canada you purchases will be in Canadian funds.

Will a bad credit rating affect a non-resident's ability to re-enter the US?

No. There are many more HIGH priorities for non-resident entries than a credit check.

Does Bad Credit effect getting a US Visa?

J1 visa and the bad credit

How does opening a Mexican bank account and having a Mexican credit card affect your credit score in the US if you were to default or miss payments?

Nothing, you will have a bad record in Mexico not in the United States.

Can bad credit effect getting a US passport?

No I have really bad credit. I mean credit cards that have not been paid for years and I was given a passport.