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Q: Can you have a misscarriage with being on birth control and the test coming out negative?
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You can control negative thinking by accepting and being happy yourself and what you have at present moment. and also by always remembering the good things you have in your life and focusing on them.

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A negative control is a control group in an experiment where the variables are not expected to have an effect. It helps researchers to determine if any observed effects are due to the treatment being tested or other factors.

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Being very angry can cause the following:increase in blood pressureincrease in muscle rigidityincrease in negative thoughts and emotionsloss of control of your actions and speech

What is the meaning of a substance testing positive or negative for that nutrient?

A test coming out positive means that the test found whatever it was looking for. A test coming out negative means it didn't find anything. Like a pregnancy test coming out positive means a good chance of the person tested being pregnant. Negative means there are no signs of pregnancy in the tested substance.

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Electrons always have a charge of negative one. It's just a memorization thing. If it helps, imagine the three horizontal lines coming off the capital "E" in electrons as being the (-) negative sign.

Can you be pregnant still if he cumms in you a lot and the test coming up negative?

Yes because sperm can live inside you for 5-6 days and if you have already ouvulated then your chance of being pregnant is very high. so unless you're on birth control i would definatly take a test after missing a coupel periods.

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Is being found negative of a disease good

How is being negative good?

Being negative is not always good, but sometimes it is. Like if somebody asks you to do drugs, you should be negative about it. And if your friends are mean to you, you can be negative and say you don'y want to be their friend. That's okay (being negative) because they showed wrong actions.

Is the product of a negative number sometimes negative always negative or sometimes?

it's only negative if it's being multiplied by a positive number. If it's being multiplied by another negative number than it will be positive.

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There are no negative effects of being a Freemason.

Is being negative a bad thing?

Of course it is. You wont get through life always being negative on things

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the negetive effects of being related in public as you said is that there are more annoying families at resurants who won't shut up or control their kids.