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Absolutely. If you do just a bit of research you will find that hypothyroidism is a hidden condition because of the particulars in its physiology. Saliva testing may be more accurate or seeing a naturopathic doctor. Good luck!

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Q: Can you have a normal thyroid ultrasound result but still have hypothyroidism?
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What is does it mean if a thyroid ultrasound result is normal?

A normal study would reveal a thyroid gland of normal size, shape, position, and uniform texture.

How can surgery cause hypothyroidism?

Removal of the thyroid gland because of cancer or other thyroid disorders can result in hypothyroidism.

Do thyroidectomized indicate hyperthyroidism of hypothyroidism?

Thyroidectomy is the process of removing the thyroid. The result is hypothyroidism if not treated with thyroid hormone. Thyroidectomy is sometimes done to treat hyperthyroidism.

Did the result of thyroidectomized rat indicate hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism?

There is no longer a thyroid, so it results in hypothyroid.

What happen when you remove the thyroid gland?

When the thyroid gland is removed, there is no production of thyroid hormones. Therefore, a person is usually put on daily thyroid medication as prescribed by their physician. This person is also treated in a similar way as those with hypothyroidism, or the under production of thyroid hormones.

What is too much or too little production of thyroid hormones?

Too much production of thyroid hormones is referred to as hyperthyroidism. It can result in symptoms such as weight loss, rapid heartbeat, anxiety, and irritability. Too little production of thyroid hormones is known as hypothyroidism. It can cause symptoms like fatigue, weight gain, dry skin, and depression.

What characteristics does a normal eye and orbit ultrasound have?

A normal ultrasound scan would indicate a fully healthy eye. For therapeutic ultrasound, a normal result would be an improvement in the targeted condition, such as shrinking of a tumor or lessening of pressure inside the eye of a.

Will thyroid problems cause a rash?

Yes, a thyroid problem may cause a rash. For example, Graves' Disease (autoimmune hypERthyroidism) antibodies can attack the skin, especially of the lower legs. This is known as pretibial myxedema. Low thyroid can also cause the skin to become dry and more sensitive, which may result in a rash.

What does the medical abbreviation TFT mean?

This stands for thyroid function testing. TFT's may be undertaken if a patient is suspected of suffering from hypothyroidism (a thyroid gland that is underactive), or hyperthyroidism (overactvie thyroid gland. These conditions result in not enough, or too much, thyroid hormones in the blood- and this causes various symptoms depending on the type.

What are some common causes of hypothyroidism?

Hypothyroidism is when the thyroid has abnormally low activity, resulting in the slowing of mental development. Often, this is a result of a deficiency of iodine.

What would happen if your thyroid was damaged?

The thyroid gland produces T3 and T4, responsible for controlling the body's metabolism. Any excess or lack will surely affect the body and result in conditions like Myxedema (hypothyroidism) and Graves Disease (hyperthyroidism).

Name the most common endocrine gland to produce a disease condition or problem?

The thyroid gland is the most common endocrine gland to produce a disease condition or problem. Conditions such as hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid) and hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid) are frequently seen. Hypothyroidism can result in symptoms like fatigue, weight gain, and depression, while hyperthyroidism can cause symptoms such as weight loss, anxiety, and increased heart rate.