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A brief Google search can provide photos of the planes moments before entering the Twin Towers. Only a few people captured footage of American Airlines Flight 11 first hitting the North Tower (1 WTC), but you can find many clear photos of United Airlines Flight 175 seconds before impact at the South Tower (2 WTC).

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Q: Can you have a picture of the plane going in to the twin towers?
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There were no children on the plane only adults.

How did the terrorist attack the twin towers?

!. They Hijacked an American Airlines plane. 2. They flew it into the towers.

When the plane crashed to the twin towers who died?

the people in the towers and the people hired to steer the planes.

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yes ,the government is remaking the world trade center and the twin towers

What happen to twin towers?

the twin towers were bombed and hit and crashed by a plane and they decided to not make the twin towers again and imagine having to make four years of building some thing and then have to build it again.

How many planes crashed in the twin tower?

There are two towers called the twin towers, on September 11 one plane crashed into each tower.

What was the plans to take out the twin towers in NY?

The plan was to act like passengers and then get rid of the pilots to take over the plane and fly it into the twin towers

How many children were killed in the Twin Towers?

None were killed in the twin towers. Eight children died on 9/11 but they were all plane passengers.

Time line of twin towers plane hijacking?

it was 10:30 when both towers come down.