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Peremptory means insisting on immediate action. He spoke in a peremptory way. Her peremptory behavior is offensive.

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Q: Can you have a sentence with peremptory please?
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Making a sentence with peremptory?

Her peremptory command startled the children.

How do you use the word 'peremptory' in a sentence?

The teacher was being serious when she was yelling at the student about being peremptory towards her.

How do you use the word preemptory in a sentence?

The king made a peremptory command to attack the neighboring country.

How do you use peremptory in a sentence?

Peremptory is an adjective meaning imperious, without opportunity to refuse or contradict, in the manner of expressing a command, putting an end to all debate. It is also used in law. Here are examples of use: "The chairman left the board meeting after his peremptory statement about selling the company." "Because of the juror's body language, the lawyer made a peremptory challenge to have him dismissed." "We had to leave the building peremptorily."

How many peremptory challenges does an attorney in Ohio have?

O.C.G.A. 15-12-122 controls jury selection and peremptory challenges. Generally attorneys receive 3 peremptory challenges for a six person jury (case valued under $25,000.00) and 6 peremptory challenges for a twelve person jury.

Who is the person that can be removed by a peremptory challenge?


Which is the correct sentence please be patience or please have patience?

Please have patience is the correct sentence.

How can you use imperiously in a sentence?

Imperiously is an adverb describing an action as assuming power or authority without justification; arrogant, peremptory, and domineering. Example sentence: A member of the committee imperiously described people without health insurance as an anchor on prosperity.

Are peremptory challenges limited in number?

no unlimited challenges

Please puctuate the following sentence- Give you that disk please.?

That sentence makes no sense, but, "Give you that disk, please."

What is a simple sentence for please?

I was only trying to please you.

Where is the adverb in this sentence Will you please leave me alone?
