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Many women report bladder weakness when they are pregnant. There are two reasons for this. Firstly when you are pregnant your body increases the amount of blood and fluids it has so that it can support the baby. Extra fluid means you get thirsty and therefore drink more and therefore pee more. What some women think is bladder weakness, really is just a result of you drinking more. The second reason for bladder weakness occurs at the end of the pregnancy - as the baby grows, your bladder is squished and therefore cannot hold as much fluid. Combined with this is the pressure causes your pelvic floor muscles to weaken - these muscles are what stops you peeing. When these muscles weaken, you can get "little accidents". Omg when I was pregnant with both of my girls, they were about 6-7lbs in the womb everytime I sneezed I drizzled a lil. lol ~Brandi

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Q: Can you have a weak bladder if your pregnant?
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What does it mean when your bladder is weak?

First obvious sign of someone having a weak bladder is always needing to visit the toilet, as people with a weak bladder cannot hold in their urine. Sometimes due to the weak bladder urine will leak through, without realizing. People with weak bladder have little control over their own bladder, therefore causes the leakage.

Weak bladder control?

Weak bladder control in mice and rats can be due to an infection. It can also due to lack of muscle control.

What are some weak bladder symptoms?

Check the extensive database of Many times, they will provide you with an accurate list of symptoms that could expose weak bladder symptoms.

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Can your bladder stones prevent you from becoming pregnant?

No, bladder stones have no effect on fertility.

If you have Weak bladder can you straighten it?

yes eat a lot of pomegranates

Do you have a feeling of a mass above your bladder when your pregnant?

Yes, you can do

Can you get pregnant while having a bladder infection?

In brief, yes.

What are some symptoms a person would have with weak bladder syndrome?

A few symptoms of weak bladder syndrome are urinating too often and having sudden urges to urinate. In addition, people may experience frequent urinating during the night.

What causes women to need to get up and urinate often during the night?

you could possibly have a bladder infection

What is a ct scan on the bladder?

A scan of the bladder probably using ultrasound (what they use on pregnant women) or x-ray maybe ☺

What does it mean if you have blood in your urine while pregnant?

See your doctor ASAP! If you have a bladder infection it can be very dangerous as pregnant.