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have a look here for other people's experiences, some mention very uncomfortable hearing and headache symptoms during withdrawal, good luck!


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Q: Can you have hearing problems due to migraine headache from Lexapro withdrawal?
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Can you take aleeve for headache while on Lexapro?

Right now I am on Lexapro and I've only taken Tylenol for my headaches. I havent had any harmful effects from it so far. I actually am getting ready to go to my doctor today and this is one of the questions I have planned to ask her so when I get her answer I will edit this and let you know. I am also on Lexapro and would like to add that I take migraine medicaiton (almotriptan) and at different times for stress headache I take "syndol" and don't have any problems with those.

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How can you ease the side effects of withdrawal from lexapro

Can Lexapro withdrawal cause hives or rashes?

It sounds like your having an allergic reaction to Lexapro.

Can you freebase Lexapro?

It will most likely feel as though you have a headache.

What should you do after taking lexapro 10mg and have constant headache?

When I started taking Lexapro I had a constant headache. My doctor told me that was a 'normal' side effect of the drug and it would subside in a few weeks. For me it took about a month to be headache free. To me it was worth it because I chose the headache over the constant sadness. I also suffer from migraines and the Lexapro headache was not debilitating like migraines so I stuck it out and the headache went away. The headache returned after I increased the dosage to 20mg and it took about 3 weeks to adjust.

Is it safe to take zanax to help with withdrawal from Lexapro?

Xanax can be prescribed by your doctor alongside lexapro and taking them at the same time is okay. I am on Lexapro and take Xanex for occasional bouts of anxiety or panic attacks. However, weening yourself off Lexapro with Xanex is probably not the best idea. If you are having withdrawal from Lexapro you should probably go back on it.

Any side affect about lxapro withdrawal after 6 days 5mg?

after one 10mg lexapro can you have withdrawal? if so for how long..

Why do doctors say there is no withdrawal from Lexapro stoppage?

Probably 'cause they don't want to get sued.

What happens if you take expired Lexapro?

Lexapro is an SSRI. The side effects of old pills are unknown. The normal side effects are headache, nausea, dry mouth and insomnia.

Average withdrawal time from Lexapro?

Not sure on the exact amount of time it takes to withdraw from Lexapro, but it sounds like it could take anywhere from 2 weeks to 3 months or more depending on how your body responds to the withdrawal. My own experience to date is as follows: After taking first 10 mg of Lexapro for 1 1/2 years, my dosage was increased to 20 mg. Now that I have been on the new dosage for almost 1 1/2 years, I have decided it is time to see if I can cope without taking Lexapro any more. I began weaning myself off with the advice of my doctor. I began by decreasing my dosage from 20 mg to 10 mg daily. After 10 days, I stopped taking lexapro all together (under by Dr.'s advice) and the result was many withdrawal symptoms such as: headache, burning stomach pain, dizziness, fatigue and acid reflux. The headache doesn't respond to Tylenol or advil and sleep is the only way to improve the headache, which isn't possible during the work day. The dizziness is the most irritating symptom and the one that concerns me the most since I have been known to faint when I get dizzy. After doing research on the web, I discovered that taking a multi-vitamin may help with the withdrawal symptoms. I am not sure if it will work or not, but it is worth a try. Also, I have read that sometimes you have to wean yourself more slowly and for a longer period of time. I have a call to my dr. to see if I need to start taking smaller doses of lexapro before weaning myself all together.

How soon after stopping lexapro do withdrawal symptoms kick in?

Simply put - anywhere from 8hours to 14 days.