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Im not sure how my body works, but i had implantation bleeding 2 days after sex and nasuea, 5 days after the implantation and then a positive result ten days after I had sex! How is that for crazy???

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Q: Can you have nausea right after implantation?
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Could headaches and light cramping and nausea and light headedness be asociated with implantation bleeding when you should be ovulating?

There is usually no symptoms associated with implantation bleeding apart from vaginal bleeding 8-12 days after intercourse. Not every woman will experience implantation bleeding.

Can you have vaginal discharge right before implantation?


You are 12 weeks pregnant and have implantation bleeding why?

If you are 12 weeks pregnant, it is not implantation bleeding. Consult your doctor right away.

What are symptoms of conception?

Bleeding isn't but spotting. If it is heavy, it is unlikely that it is the sign of implantation.

Is nausea a autonomic reflex?

Yes. You are right. Most probably nausea is mediated through autonomic nervous system.

What part of the uterus does implantation and placentation occur?

in either right or left sides of the uterus.

Can you have nausea straight after implantation?

Your wording is strange. Nausea is a sign of early pregnancy which can occur around this time. implantation is simply the attachment of the embryo to the uteran wall. the only real sign of that is possibly a little bit of cramping and some spotting. There do seem to be some cases of women getting a worsening of their symptoms around the time their period would normally occur which would be the same time as implantation but usually that happens so early in the pregnancy that you've only noticed a few signs of pregnancy if any at all. You would be just starting/just about to start showing on home pregnancy tests.

You had intercourse 10 days after your period normal 28 day cycle 4 days later you experienced intense nausea slight cramping and a headache Is it possible that implantation took place on that day?

If it was not implantation you could have been ovulating. if you still have pregnancy systoms take a home test first thing in the morning.

Can you have implantation bleeding right before your period is due even a day or 2 before?


What are some symptoms you feel when you are pregnant?

Well u won't have a period or youl have light bleeding as if spotting that is implantation bleeding right around when Ur period is due. Ur breast will be tender and ul feel nauseous a lot good luck sweetie

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What is upper right shoulder pain and nausea from?

Most likely a gallbladder attack.