

Can you have two male betta fish together?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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NO they will attack each other

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Q: Can you have two male betta fish together?
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Why aren't two male betta fish fighting?

Some male betta fish are not as aggressive as others.

Are Betta fish calm?

Welll...yeah, in a General Sense, the Betta is Calm. However, two male Bettas together are the Antithesis of Calm. Two female bettas together will pretty much ignore one another. One male and one female betta will either Fight or F***...uhm, lay eggs, that is. As a COMMUNITY FISH, the Betta will generally not attack fish of other is not a fish built for Speed and Chasing, as it that sense, it is indeed Graceful and Calm. In my experience, it is more likely that a long-finned male Betta will be Pestered by the other species (ex: Tiger Barbs) than it is to Pester its (non-Betta) tankmates. Welll...yeah, in a General Sense, the Betta is Calm. However, two male Bettas together are the Antithesis of Calm. Two female bettas together will pretty much ignore one another. One male and one female betta will either Fight or F***...uhm, lay eggs, that is. As a COMMUNITY FISH, the Betta will generally not attack fish of other is not a fish built for Speed and Chasing, as it that sense, it is indeed Graceful and Calm. In my experience, it is more likely that a long-finned male Betta will be Pestered by the other species (ex: Tiger Barbs) than it is to Pester its (non-Betta) tankmates.

What happens when you put two female betta fish together?

Nothing will happen but if you put a female betta fish and a male betta fish their going to figth so make sure to have that thing that separates them male betta fish can figth and if a male betta fish has babies separte them and keep them away from their parents and when they grow up check if their a male or a female if their female put them on the same tank put there might be a lot of females if i was u i will just sale them cuz i think you only have one tank but thats my opinion and if somebody needs a question just tell me my name is Allison Hamilton

Is a betta fish a killer fish?

That's not it's species- but bettas will be aggressive towards other fish. Two males shouldn't be put together, neither should a male and female. Two females would be okay

Can you have two male betta fish in the same tank?

No, because they are fighting fish and one of them will kill the other.

Can a Betta fish go in the same tank as a red tailed shark?

No they cannot, also if you put two Betta fish together, they will fight.

Why your male fighting fish makes bubbles alone?

Male Betta fish make bubble nests when they are happy ^^ I have only had male Betta fish and after a day or two of playing with them and feeding them or even just talking to them they make their nests to show you that you made them happy.

Fish that kill other fish are?

Bettas, Siamese Fighting Fish. I may have missed some, but if your talking about small fish, I hve most of them. P.S. NEVER and i repeat NEVER put two male Betta together!!!!!

Is it possible for a female betta to kill a male betta?

Yes, females can be just as agressive, if not more aggressive, than the males. Although you should never keep the two bettas together, it has happened when breeding the fish.

Will two male Betta fish get along in the same bowl?

No, they will fight. It would stress them out.

Are betta fish compatible with other fish?

i have one =] i dont think you should put two guys together because i think they will fight but i guess its okay to put a guy with a girl =] the guys are the pretty ones... mines like blue an purple... hes stupid though cuz he always chokes on his food xD

Do betta fish lay how long do betta fish live for?

You mean betta fish, right? Betta fish cna lay eggs if you have two of the opposite gender in the same tank. If you have a male and female betta in one tank, they won't fight. If you have two females or two males, they will fight. So, you could see if they get allong. ig the bettas do lay eggs, they can still live together, but you MUST place tyhe eggs in a seperate tank, or they'll most likely be eatten. As for the lifecycle of a betta fish, if properly cared for, they can live for years. Two years is very old for some fish, but one man had a goldfish for 13 years!