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no you can't no you can't

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Q: Can you have your period during your 5th month of pregnancy?
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Related questions

Is it a sign that you are pregnant if you have have a period for the last 4 months after an insemination but in the 5th month don't get a period at all?

Not necessarily. Take a pregnancy test or see your physician.

Can you travel during 5th week of pregnancy?

Traveling during the 5th week of pregnancy has to be determined by your doctor. A doctor's will know your health and give you the right advice.

How many months is 21 weeks in pregnancy?

It would be the last week of the 5th month.

Can you have intercourse during 5th week of pregnancy?

You can have intercourse through the entire pregnancy unless you have a risky pregnancy and the doctor say otherwise.

What is a pregnancy?

A pregnancy is the time line (in a humans case... 9 months) you get before you give birth to your baby. It is the time when your baby is growing in uturo (your belly) and this time is vital for your child to survive. During your pregnancy your belly will grow, for some people you will barely notice a difference in the size of your belly until the 6th or 7th month, but for others your belly is huge by the 5th month... If you have any more questions post em on here or talk to your doctor.

Is a one time brownish watery spotting ok during 5th week.. when period is 3 days delayed and hpt is negetive?

yes you shouldn't take a pregnancy test until 7 days after period it will be more readable, if you spotted it's either a weird period or the egg/embryo is implanting in the uterus

5th month or months?

It's 5th month because 5th months is an incorrect term and 5th month means the fifth month of the year

What color is colostrum in the 5th month of pregnancy?

I am 20 weeks and producing colostrum. Depending on the duct from which it is expressed - it is clear, white, or bright yellow.

What does the belly look like 14 weeks pregnant?

It' different for every woman and every pregnancy. My 1st pregnancy my belly was a small basket ball at 14 weeks. My 2nd pregnancy I didn't even show until the end of my 5th month.

How do you calculate semi monthly payroll?

If payday is the 5th and the 20th then the pay period should end the 15th and the 31st of the month

Buddhism time period found?

It was founded during the 5th or 4th century bc

What is the grace period for expired registration in Texas?

Inspection Grace Period: There is a five (5) day grace period for motorists to get their inspection sticker. An inspection certificate expires on the last day of the month that is indicated on the windshield. Therefore, you have until the 5th day of the following month to have your car inspected.