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yes you shouldn't take a pregnancy test until 7 days after period it will be more readable, if you spotted it's either a weird period or the egg/embryo is implanting in the uterus

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Q: Is a one time brownish watery spotting ok during 5th week.. when period is 3 days delayed and hpt is negetive?
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Do you have a boy if you spotting brownish during pregnancy?

That has nothing to do with it! sorry! Congrats though!

If there is heavy bleeding during the first trimester and a couple of days later it stopped but there was still brownish spotting with abdominal cramping is there a chance for a miscarriage?

Any bleeding during pregnancy needs to be evaluated by a doctor. Heavy bleeding is a sign of miscarriage, but you have to see a doctor to be sure and to be checked for your health, as well.

Is spotting right before your period mean that your are not pregnant?

No. Spotting can occur during pregnancy.

How long will spotting last after a pap smear while pregnant I had it done on Monday and ever since then i have been noticing some spotting off and on?

Spotting is common after a pap smear, particularly during pregnancy. All spotting during pregnancy should be discussed with your health care provider.

17 weeks pregnant and slight spot bleeding after being at the toilet is it normal?

I am also spotting at 17 weeks pregnant. I started spotting off an on with brownish discharge at 10 weeks, alhtough it is now a pinkish color. You should contact your Dr. My Dr. told me that 30% of women spot during pregnancy. She was not concerned b/c she heard the heart beat. She said that spotting can happen after heavy lifting, exercise, intercourse or constipation. I too and trying not to freak out. Good Luck!

Can you have cramps and bleeding during implantation?

Hi, Yes you can. Implantation cramping is very common and usually feels like period cramping. Implantation bleeding (IB) occurs 8-12 days after unprotected sex and not every woman experiences IB. Signs of IB are: * Light bleeding that lasts a few hours to 2-3 days. * Pinkish/brownish or reddish vaginal discharge. * Spotting of blood. * Spotting of blood that does not require a pad or tampon. * Spotting that is pinkish in colour. * Spotting that is brown in colour. * Light bleeding that is either pink or brown in colour and sometimes red.

Fever and brown spotting during early pregnancy?


Why would one be spotting during pregnancy?

The most common causes of slight spotting during pregnancy are implantation bleeding, miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, placenta previa, and placental abruption.

What colour is spotting during pregnancy?

Spotting can be brown, pink, orange, bright red, dark red, and/or black. It really depends on the reason for the spotting. If you are having spotting of any color or are bleeding heavily you should contact your Dr right away.

Can spotting early in pregnancy be a sign of twins?

Spotting is not an indicator of twins. Many women with a single fetus spot during the first trimester.

Brownish spotting while on pill for a month am i pregnant?

Spotting and breakthrough bleeding is a side effect that may occur while beginning birth control. This side effect can last up to 3 months. However, if you do not receive your period during the placebo week, you may have become pregnant. Waiting at least 1-2 months to have unprotected sex while on birth control pills will be safer because by then, your body has adapted to the hormones in the pills.

Are you pregnant if your having spotting during your period and then miss your next period?

Spotting is very common during the course of pregnancy and the combined symptoms of spotting then a missed period certainly could indicate pregnancy. However it is very common for women who are not pregnant to have a missed period or spotting. I suggest a pregnancy test which are readily available at almost any store and to consult your doctor.