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Yes, if you're talking about a water softener, you can use copper piping.

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Q: Can you install salt system with copper piping?
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Are the copper II acetate is salt?

Yes, the copper(II) acetate is a copper salt.

Copper acetate is a salt?

Copper acetate is a chemical compound formed from copper(II) ions and acetate ions. It is indeed a salt, typically a blue-green solid at room temperature. Copper acetate is often used in various industrial applications and chemical reactions.

Can you add a salt water system to an already chlorinated pool?

Yes, just install the chlorine generator and add the salt. Your new system will replace the need for residual chlorine.

What is the color of salt copper II sulfate?

Copper (II) sulphate is a salt that is blue.

What salt do you make if you add copper carbonate to sulphuric acid?

If you add copper carbonate to sulphuric acid, you will form copper(II) sulfate, which is a salt that is commonly used in agricultural and chemical processes. This reaction also releases carbon dioxide gas as a byproduct.

Can spirits of salt clean copper?

Yes, spirits of salt, also known as hydrochloric acid, can be used to clean copper. It can help remove tarnish and oxidation from the copper surface. However, it is important to handle it with care and follow safety precautions due to its corrosive nature.

Does copper washes salt from the soil?

Yes, copper can help to leach excess salt from the soil by binding with the chloride ions in the salt and forming a compound that is less soluble in water. However, it is important to use copper carefully as it can also be toxic to plants in high concentrations.

How do you make cyanide copper salt?

Cyanide copper salts are typically prepared by dissolving copper oxide or copper carbonate in hydrocyanic acid. The hydrocyanic acid releases cyanide ions, which react with the copper to form the salt. It is important to handle cyanide compounds with extreme caution due to their toxicity.

Does stainless steel react with copper?

Stainless steel and copper do not typically react with each other in a detrimental way. However, in certain conditions such as in the presence of moisture and salt, a galvanic reaction can occur leading to corrosion. It's important to use proper insulation or barriers to prevent this reaction in mixed metal systems.

Do you need to add algeacide when using a salt pool system?

Yes, absolutely yes, but not copper based. Pool & Spa

Will salt stain copper?


Why is copper used as a wired and copper chloride is not?

Copper chloride being a salt is not ductile.