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You can install tile glue right onto drywall. However if you are doing this in a bathroom, first consider all the advantages of using concrete/ fibre boards around the tub and shower. They are far more water resistant, made for tiling, easy to work with and come in handy sizes 30x60 and 36x60. - I have used this in preference to drywall for over 10 years and never had an unhappy client.

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Q: Can you install tile on bare drywall or should I prime first?
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Should you prime drywall first before you tape and float?

tape, float, sand, re-float, re-sand. . .then prime

How do you prepare drywall for painting?

You prime it with drywall primer.

Should you put a prime coat on new drywall before you add blown acoustical?

No, the prime coat can go on anytime.

Do you prime new drywall before putting on orange peel texture?

yes If you dont prime new drywall, then there is a chance that the orange peel texture maynot cover all unpainted surfaces and you may have to repaint due to the obsorbtion of the paint in the drywall. It also helps seal the surface of the new drywall and makes for a better and more uniform finish.

Once the drywall has been applied it is time to prime why is the compound from the drywall coming off?

Hello! Just a couple of guesses as to why the drywall compound is coming off the drywall while you are attempting to prime: First, is the compound totally cured; that is, is it hard and dry? Second, are you using a primer that is specifically designed for new drywall? Lastly, maybe too much paint, or even overworking the paint could saturate the compound, turning it back into a wet goop.

How do you remove spray paint from drywall?

You can't. Prime over it with a good primer.

Can I use leftover new drywall primer to prime previously painted walls?

Yes, you can use it....but what are you trying to do? The drywall primer is specifically designed to seal the drywall and make the surface uniform. You will not get any benefit from using it on top of a finish coat except for using it as a base coat for changing colors.

Do you have to rewire your home because you removed the drywall?

No, drywall and electricity are independent of each other. However, if there is any rewiring that needs to be done, this would be a prime time to get it done. It is much easier to access the wiring with the walls down.

Should you prime wood trim prior to painting with trim paint?

If you prime first, you will ensure that you have a consistent finish.

What is the best paint for bathroom ceiling subject to high moisture?

Well first you would use Kilzprimer you have to prime the drywall first then any latex is what contractors use.Kilzprimer is OK, but expensive and unnecessary unless you have stains on a wall or ceiling you need to cover before paint. Any good Latex basedPVA primer is good on newly installed drywall.

Is it necessary to prime new drywall?

You don't have to , buti f it makes you feel more secure go ahead, it won't hurt.

Who was an Indian nationalist leader and later the first prime minister?

It should be PANDIT JAWAHRLAL Nehru