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In larger (10+ gallon) well furnished tanks, some people have successfully kept African Dwarf Frogs with bettas. These very small frogs grow no larger than the fish. However, great care must be taken to ensure that both the betta and the frogs are appropriately fed. Also, some bettas will bully the frogs and are not appropriate tankmates.

If you do want to attempt a betta/frogs setup, make sure your frogs are African Dwarf Frogs and not African Clawed Frogs; the much larger and more aggressive African Clawed Frog will probably eat your betta.

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12y ago

No! Betta fish are extremely territorial and even kill members of their own species, which is why they are kept in solitude, or by themselves. Whenever they see something they fight it to the death, no matter what. But the goldfish and frog can stay together.

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Q: Can you keep a certain type of frog in with Bettas?
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How many type of bettas are there?

probaly about 10 11 or twelve unfortonly i have no idea.

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Can a crowntail female betta mate with a halfmoon male betta fish?

Yes, crowntail females can mate with halfmoon males, and vice versa. Any type of betta can mate with any another type. Veiltails with halfmoons, deltas with crowntails, etc. But most people prefer to breed bettas with their own type because they plan to sell them, and most people don't want "mutts". They can also keep the coloration, finnage, and physical characeteristics of the betta type. It is much easier to sell these purebred bettas. If you planning on breeding the crowntail and halfmoon and selling, I highly suggest that you reconsider this. Get a two quality bettas (same type) from a good breeder. Enjoy your fish!