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its sad but yes...

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Q: Can you keep a male and a female canary together?
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When a male canary is singing to a female canary what does it mean?

It mean he is trying to attract her

Can you keep a male and female hedgehog together for them to breed or will they fight with each other?

"They will mate but if you keep them in there at the birth then the female will kill the male."

What is the difference between the felmale and a male canary?

a male canary sings and has a slightly squarer head and a female only chatters and has a rounder head

Our male roller canary has laid two eggs in two weeks can you explain?

A male canary will not lay eggs. If your Roller canary has laid two eggs in two weeks, she is a female canary.

Should you separate the male canary from the female canary when they have babies?

No leave them be. If you even touch them the mother canary will reject them.

Is it wise to keep your female and male Syrian hamsters together If you separate them they both look dull and inactive. What do i do?

You can keep a female and male hamster together, but you must consider where you would home the babies if she has them.

After breeding can you still keep a male and female betta in the same tank?

You can not keep Betta splendens males together without them trying to kill one another. You can only keep a male and female Betta s. together while they are courting and spawning. Afterwards he will kill her if she is not removed. You can keep male or female Bettas with most other species of fish with no problems.

Can a male parakeet mate with a female canary?

Talk about your serious, Erection

How do you cats mate?

First you select a male for your female; or female for your male. Put them in a room together, but if the female is aggressive or the male is it's best not to. When they want, they will breed and keep repeating until the female is pregnant.

Will a male kill a female?

Yes. Don't keep males and females together.

Should i keep my male and female guineapigs together?

It is not advised to keep them housed together. It is okay to put them together for a day or two for breeding, but if kept together they may end up fighting. The female will protect her babies after they are born and a male can also harm the babies.

How do you tell if a canary is female?

if it lays egg Normally the female has a larger pelvic bone, and the male sings. Normally the female has a larger pelvic bone, and the male sings.