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There shouldn't be any problems with that. If you are trying to avoid fry, I wouldn't worry about mixing genders - the fry usually get eaten within 2-3 days of hatching if you leave them in with the parents.

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Q: Can you keep all male danios together with no females in a tank?
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Will a male kill a female?

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They should live 2 or more. But male mice can't live together always. If you see your male mice fight or beep you should split them. Also i don't recommend to have more then 10 females together.

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yes they will because the male will probably have babies with all three

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Um... At least a month and a half. If the male is showing signs of aggression toward the babies you should keep the male in a separate cage.

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If you try to keep a male and female (or females) in the same tank permanently, the outcome is always going to be seriously injured or dead females. You cannot keep males with females. Under very carefully controlled circumstances during breeding the male will not kill the female (he will usually nip at her, but not seriously harm her.) But male and female in same tank = dead female.

Can you put 2 male bettas in a 111234 gallon tank?

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