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Q: Can you keep milk in a plastic drinks bottle in the fridge or will it go off quicker?
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How do you keep cold drinks cold?

by putting it in the fridge

Will citrus fruit mold quicker in the refrigerator or in the cabinet?

faster not in the fridge

What happens to fizzy drinks in the refrigerator?

Over winter we keep our various drinks outside because or fridge isn't big enough to hold christmas. Last year our theory was to do with pressure within the bottle i.e. whether or not it had been opened. This year that theory was flouted when one open bottle froze and another did not. However, this year we noticed that it was only the diet drinks that froze so it may be to do with that.

Do you let toffee set in the fridge?

Yes you do let toffee set in the fridge if you want to set it quicker. But it also depends on the recipe

What objects in out house are made out of plastic?

A fridge or something that you can see is plastic coated or fully plastic

Why do the sides of a plastic bottle buckle?

Air pressure can buckle the sides of a plastic bottle. If a bottle is capped, it isolates the air inside. At the time the cap went on, inside and outside air pressure were equal. Cool the bottle and the sides will buckle in because the inside air cools, becomes less dense and then its pressure goes down. Cap an empty soda bottle and stick it in the fridge for fifteen or twenty minutes. Look at what happens. Want more drama? Same empty soda bottle. Run a couple of cups of hot water out of the tap in it. Cap it and shake it for ten seconds or so. Uncap it and dump out the water and replace the cap right away. What is in hand is a bottle of pretty warm air that is isolated inside the bottle. Put that in the fridge for ten minutes. Major buckling.

Which would cool down quicker in a fridge - a full bottle of water or half a bottle of water?

A half bottle because small bodies cool down faster. Like a emporer penguin chick out in the open. The chick would freeze to death quick, that's why they try to say with their parents. Or why you cant blow on a whole bowl of hot soup to cool it down.

Where to get a milk bottle in catz 5?

go into the fridge and it should be there

Any fridge that can keep my drinks on the top shelf icy?

There are many fridges that have a compartment in the top of the fridge that can have lower temperatures set.

Where do you buy a bottle in Sims 2?

you don't buy bottles for sim babies you go to the fridge and click get bottle.

Can ketchup be crystalized?

yes when you leave the bottle in your fridge for to long it can crystalize

How could you see a bottle taken from the fridge show that there is water vapour?
